Serving Whitman County since 1877

Commissioners and lease signees

Since when has the Golden Rule, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”, been completely eliminated from your mindset and replaced with the juvenile, “Me first”, objective? Great, you want to increase revenue into your personal and county financial standings, but at the cost of causing grief to innocent bystanders? These innocent bystanders understand the undue tax burden that these monstrosities will create in the future. These innocent bystanders are absolutely not jealous of your perceived “windfall.” Instead, they simply pity the greed, and the lack of love for the land and fellow neighbors. I was raised to not cause undue burdens on anybody, ever. It is too bad more were not raised in the same manner. It truly is a sad time that we find ourselves living in! Just…say…no!

Todd Imeson,



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