Serving Whitman County since 1877

Support for Sandberg

I am writing to express my support for Roger Sandberg in his campaign for Superior Court Judge. Having closely observed his professional career, I believe he is the most qualified candidate for this position due to his breadth of experience and judicial temperament.

Roger brings diverse legal experience, having served as a litigator and a judge for well over a decade. His practice in various areas of the law has prepared him to handle the complex issues that frequently arise in our courts.

Equally important is Roger’s temperament on and off the bench. He consistently conducts himself with professionalism, maturity, and respect for everyone in the courtroom. This quality fosters an environment where the law is applied justly and where all parties, regardless of their background or case, are heard with respect.

Whitman County needs judges who are not only skilled in law but who bring the right temperament to the bench. Roger has both. His experience, integrity, and respectful treatment of all those who enter his courtroom make him the ideal candidate for this position. I am voting for Roger Sandberg for Superior Court Judge.

Steve Martonick,



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