Serving Whitman County since 1877

Palouse 2025 Budget changes

Council set to vote for approval during regular meeting

PALOUSE — The City Council released a revised proposed budget for the new year.

The revised budget expects a proposed deficit of $4,582,896.60, a $526,520.45 difference from the original proposed revenue.

Current Expense has a proposed difference of $11,150 in revenues, at $1,045,434.50. Expenditures come to $607,516.05, at a difference of $66,226.70.

Pool revenues are project at $212,951, a difference of $3,908; the RV park proposes a difference of $7,000, coming to a total of $62,405.00 and Parks comes to $63,065, a difference of $370.

The Police Department revenue is at a proposed difference of $11,408, coming to a proposed total of $125,987 in revenue.

Street Funds revenue is projected at a difference of $2,347, coming to a total of $130,450 and Arterial Streets expect a proposed difference of $38,000, coming to a total of $143,000 in revenue.

The cemetery is expected at a proposed difference of $22,515.00 in revenue, at a total of $50,580.

Emergency Medical Services is expected a difference in revenue of $21,215.95, coming to a total of $99,260; Joint Board, Fire and EMS comes to a proposed difference of $31.50, at a total of $110,063.10 in revenue; Fire Equipment is at a difference of $28,283, coming to a total of $62,450 in revenue; Police Car Equipment is proposed at a total of $18,400 in revenue, with a difference of $7,396.25 and EMS Vehicle Reserve is proposed at a $3,847.35 difference in revenue, at a total of $48,771.

The Special Capital Projects Fund has a proposed difference in revenue of $44,250, at a total of $165,000; Water Fund comes to a total of $515,050, at a difference of $31,525 and the Sewer Fund expects a difference in revenue of $56,425, at a total of $394,000.

The Water Capital Improvement has a proposed difference in revenue of $108,045, at a total of $216,300.

Pump Maintenance Reserve is proposed at a total of $69,930, with a difference of $4,620 in revenue; the Water Reserve is at a total of $247,000 in revenue, with a difference of $129,190 and the Sewer Capital Improvement is at a difference in revenue of $1,100, coming to a total of $47,300.

The Sewer Facility Reserve expects a difference of $92,925 in revenue, with a proposed total of $568,200; Sales Tax Remittance comes to a proposed total of $73,500, at a difference of $68,040 and the Cemetery Endowment is at an expected difference of $1,750, coming to a proposed total of $113,800.

The City Council will vote on approving the 2025 budget during the Tuesday, Dec. 17, council meeting.

The meeting was after time of press.


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